First Aid Training
Courses in Wythenshawe

First Aid Training Requirements
for Businesses in Wythenshawe,
Timperley, and Sale

Business Owners in Wythenshawe, Timperley, Sale, and Surrounding Areas – Essential First Aid Training Awaits!

Are you a business owner in Wythenshawe, Timperley, Sale, or any of the nearby areas? It’s time to elevate your team’s First Aid skills with Manchester First Aid Training. Our courses are not just a legal checkbox but a pivotal step towards safeguarding your workplace.

Our training is designed to be both fun and engaging, providing your staff with the necessary skills to offer immediate care in case of work-related injuries or illnesses. From First Aid at Work to mental health, fire safety, and more, we ensure your team is well-equipped to handle any situation with confidence.

Under the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, all businesses in Wythenshawe, Timperley, Sale, and the surrounding regions are required to have trained First Aid personnel. This regulation underscores the importance of being prepared for any emergency, big or small.

Ready to Boost Your Team’s Safety and Confidence?

Manchester First Aid Training is dedicated to helping businesses in Wythenshawe, Timperley, Sale, and beyond meet their First Aid training needs. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact us today to book your comprehensive First Aid training course and take a significant step towards a safer workplace.


Here Are The Most Common Courses Requested
By Businesses in Wythenshawe:


Emergency First
Aid at Work

Our 1-day course, an essential
requirement for every type of
business, even small companies
and the self-employed. Required by
H&S Regulations 1981.


First Aid at Work

Commit to training your staff to be
the very best, with our
morecomprehensive 3-day course,
a requirement for higher risk


First Aid Annual Refresher

HSE guidelines state your First
Aiders should refresh their skills
annually. Our time-saving, online
course has you covered.


Mental Health
First Aid

New guidelines (expanded from
H&S Regulations 1981) mean you
should now have key members of
staff trained to deal with mental
health issues.


Fire Safety Awareness

The Fire Safety Order 2005 requires
you take steps to protect your staff
and assets from fire. Our 3-hour
training course provides the
training you need.


At Manchester First Aid Training, we can help you fulfil your legal obligations,
and protect yourself, your business, and the people around you.

We’d love to help get you trained!